Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Break Didn't Go The Way I Wanted

My Christmas break started early. We had a snow day on the Thursday before our break started. I was excited about the snow day - who wouldn't be - but on Wednesday when it was snowing, snowing, snowing, I told some friends it would be horrible to have a snow day on Thursday and then have to go back on Friday and finish the semester. Well, that's what happened - except for me. Thursday, I started feeling a bit puny. Friday morning, when I woke up, I realized there wasn't any way I was going to make it through the day. 

(big aside here - Does anyone else's district use an automated sub finder? I almost hate it, because I check to see who they got - and this time, they hadn't gotten any one! The next thing I saw, the sub lady had split my day in 2 - yuck. But I guess everything worked out - because I got a sub for the morning and somebody else for the afternoon and when I ran up to the school on Saturday to make sure everything was turned off, it seemed like everything was still in one piece :) 

So much fun to make sub plans for the day before vacation - NOT! 

I spent the next 5 days not feeling good. I did go to Les Mis with my daughter the day after Christmas - enjoyed that! Now I'm down to a persistent and dry cough - yucko! I've gone to sleep every night between 8 and 9 (except New Year's Eve - made it to midnight!) 

So why am I recounting all this to you? Well, I want to post a couple New Year's Resolutions.  The Teacher's Cauldron is hosting this linky party:

First, my personal one - I Have Got To Find Someway To Turn Work Off! I think part of the reason that I've stayed sick for almost 2 weeks is that my body is run down. Almost the first thing I think of when I wake up is school, and I'm always worried about things that I haven't gotten done. So my goal is to have a shut-off valve and use it! 
Second, my blogging goal - I want to be consistent in blogging a couple times a week and to make sure that at least one of those shares an idea or tip that I hope someone else can use. To do that, I think I need to do a better job of being mindful of what I'm doing that is working. Yes, write it down, pay myself on the back, say hooray to myself!   
What are some of your goals, resolutions, improvements you are thinking about? You can share them at The Teacher's Cauldron.    


  1. Sounds somewhat similar to my break. I've been sick the whole time. I'm currently trying to recover from strep. At least I wasn't sick like this while teaching. That would have been even less fun. I hope you're feeling 100% soon!
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. It's terrible,isn't it? I'm feeling better - just in time for a work day tomorrow. Hope you're feeling better, too.

  2. I'm so sad your break was filled with ickiness. Our district wants to start automated sub calling later this year. They are singing the praises of the system...we shall see.

    I have a BIG problem of not shutting off my school brain. Sometimes I joke that teaching is my job, but also my hobby. I would love another hobby, but can't find one that I like. Good luck, please share when you find your shut-off valve!

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

    1. Our sub finder isn't that bad. You just have to make sure to call by a certain time in the morning.
      And back at you - if you can find a shut off valve, let me know :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Aw, I am sorry your break was not what you wanted to be. I can totally relate. I have had mono for several weeks and have been trying to teach while feeling totally drained. I spent my break sleeping a lot. Like you, I am trying to get more rest, so I don't get burned out and sick. I hope you feel better soon.

    Also, your blogging resolution is great. I am trying to do the same thing.

    I am your newest follower.

    Compassionate Teacher

    1. Yuck, mono sounds terrible. I'm feeling better, hopefully you are too.
      Thanks for following! Have a good start back! Sara

  5. Sara,

    Oh I sure hope you begin feeling better soon. I'm Rachel from T3. I ran across your blog from the resolution linky. I know what you mean about being run down. I often find myself working until stupid hours in the night and always go, go, go! I stayed sick for almost 3 weeks, so I know the pain. I hope you can get over the crud and if you find a way turn off work, please share. I find it hard as a teacher to shut my brain up. I really liked your blogging goal as well. My team and I plan to post a tip each week. I hope to check in on your blog and read up on some tips you will be sharing. Get well soon and I look forward to checking in on here. :)
