Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

Did everyone survive your Valentine's Day parties? Oh, my goodness -- what a day! One of my teammates is pregnant and she started having contractions Thursday night -- too early, she just started her 3rd trimester. Thankfully, she's home and doing fine. However, no sub for her Friday -- so we had to split up her class. Yep! I had 8 extra students. Oh what fun. Thankfully, the principal arranged for them to have their own Valentine party, so I didn't have them for that half hour. 

And hasn't Valentine's Day gotten a little crazy? Like, every child but one brought cards, and candy! The little sack lunch bags we decorated for our Valentines wouldn't even hold it all. And I got 5 stuffed animals and 3 big boxes of candy. I know I'm loved -- but really, I don't need that much chocolate. I told my husband, I wish there was some gentle way I could tell families -- if you must give me something, what about a note, or buy your child a book in my name, or..... 
{however, one little friend gave me expo markers and colored pens -- love, love.}

I've got a couple other things to share, but my desktop was running so slowly, a teammates husband is looking at it for me. So right now I'm just on my little iPad. 

Happy Monday tomorrow. Unless you get it off -- then it's you lucky duck! 


  1. Oh my. 8 additional kids on a party day? Eek. I guess we had a few classrooms who didn't have subs that day (there weren't any available) so our office had to scramble to find people in our buildings who could take the classes. I don't think we've ever had to disperse children to other classes. That does not sound ideal. Glad you survived! :)

  2. Markers and pens--that's teacher heaven! Enjoy the week!!!
