Monday, September 16, 2013


Anybody else have a Monday kind of day today? I sure did!

My schedule was still was up in the air when I left last Friday afternoon. Yes, this is after 4 weeks of school. Because we have a mandatory 90 minute reading block, and I have an ESL interventionist coming in, she and I were trying to make our two schedules come together. We worked on that during the first part of my plan time. Yeah! It worked out. And I'm happy with it. {Really, that's all that matters, isn't it?}

I realized as soon as I walked in this morning, that I hadn't finished working on my centers - so had to do that - I Am So Forgetful sometimes! 

And I need to go with my hub-bub to the Big City tomorrow to talk to a doctor about knee replacement surgery for him - so I had to plan for a sub. OK, got that marked off my to do list also. 

So anyway, the thing I really wanted to get to today, well, that just didn't happen. I did DRA testing last week, and our interventionist has done AIMS testing on all my kids. I had decided I wanted to share that with parents before conferences. Sarah at First Grade Snippets has a pretty cool Guided Reading Snapshot that she uses to let parents know about their child's reading. I used that last year, but this year, I wanted to include the math assessment information I had. 

I made a pretty simple form that basically said, "Your child is successful at ...." and "We will be working on ..." Did not get that printed at work. After I spent an extra hour there {trying to tame my closet a bit} I decided I'd just print it home tonight and then I could fill them out on the road tomorrow. Well, think again. my printer is out of ink! Yikes! 

Anyway, I was just kind of wondering - what do you do with the assessment information you gather? Do you share it with parents? How? Before conferences? Or at conferences? 

I guess I'm feeling like I want this to be a "We're all in this together" kind of situation, and I want parents to be in the loop about their child. Would sure love to hear your thoughts, though. 

Hoping Tuesday goes a little smoother. 

*** Update - I just saw that Sarah from First Grade Snippets also has a Math Snapshot - see it here


  1. Still working on my schedule too! Today I decided to switch my literacy and math blocks to work with our Math Interventionist! Can't wait to get in that "normal" routine! :)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  2. I am with you both on my schedule- and I don't like not feeling like I am in a routine yet. I usually send home personal notes with skills to work on to the parents, just so they know where their child needs help. I like to send 5 week updates. I type up a sheet to the parents explaining that these are the areas your child need extra practice with at home- and on the bottom half, I just write in the specific skills for that child. That way the parents have a heads up and MAYBE they will work some at home on the skills! This helps me, too, because I copy these notes and can quickly pull one for a child I am working with on RTI or have a few extra minutes with.
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  3. I share with my parents. I've already sent home information about Letter ID, phonemic awareness, sight words, and our state's reading assessment. Next I'll be sending home some math info. I don't want them to be surprised. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
