Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I am Thankful

I saw on my "Blogs I Love to Read" list that a couple bloggers were doing Lucky to be in First's I am Thankful lists.  So I quick scrapped my original post idea and decided to join in!

1 - Spent the morning thanking God for all sorts of things - two sides of notebook paper in my prayer journal! Wow and thank you, Lord!

2 - Of course, thankful for my hub-bub and that his knee surgery has been such a success and that he's tried so very hard not to be a complainer, when I know it is stiff and sometimes hard to get comfortable.

3 - So thankful my college girl made it home safe last night and can't wait to spend some time chit-chatting with her. I was so tired last night, we didn't really do much.

4 - Thankful for my terrific group of kids I have in my class this year - and all the fun stuff they are willing to do with me. 

5 - Thankful for this silly little blog - and silly little me, who enjoys going back and reading what I've written. And sometimes even thinking - hey, that's a pretty good idea. {what a dork I am!}

6 - Thankful for my bloggy friends that comment and answer my comments. 

Ok, Ok, can I just add this? {And hee, hee, hee this is really my own original idea!} Yesterday {our last day before Thanksgiving break} our school had Make Room for Turkey day. We all got to wear sweats - and this time I really remember to remind the kids to wear sweats, so when only 5 of them showed up to join me in wearing sweats day - well, that was on them, not me! And then every time my timer rang, or the school bell rang - we stopped and did a little 1 or 2 minute activity. Like jumping jacks, high knees, tiny steps and giant steps across the room, a marching parade around the room. The afternoon was crazy/funny because we had lunch bells ringing, and come in from recess bells ringing, and my timer ringing. And we were moving fools! So I can safely eat all the turkey I want - cuz I made room for turkey yesterday - haha.

I hope you have a very nice Thanksgiving!


  1. I need to Make Room for Thanksgiving everyday...I might lose some weight! lol What a fun activity, I'm sure your kids loved it! That might be a good idea on days when we are stuck inside at recess, I could make sure they are moving all through the day.
    It is good to think about all of the things you are thankful for, when I do my list just seems to grow and grow. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

    1. Well, Make Room for Thanksgiving was certainly my excuse to eat and eat yesterday! It was a fun day at school to do that.Maybe your principal will let you, too!

  2. How fabulous you could wear your sweats to school - we need that! I love your thankful list! I hope you have a wonderful weekend catching up with your daughter and spending time with the rest of your family!

    Lucky to Be in First

    1. You are so right - sweats at school was terrific!
      And we had a good Thanksgiving - hope you did, too!

  3. I'm thankful for you and your comments too Sara. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Ah, Tammy - you are certainly one Blogger Friend I am thankful for! You are so good about leaving comments. And you share so many good ideas on your blog. Thanks, Thanks!

  4. Agreed! Bloggy friends are the best!! Love leaving notes and getting notes from my friends! Happy weekend.

    1. Alyce - How could I miss replying to you - I enjoy reading your blog and that we are Kansas buddies :)

  5. Sara, HOW did I not see this?! I LOVE your "Make Room for Turkey" idea! That is so much fun! That should be a school-wide day! I am going to suggest it next year at our school. And give you ALL the credit! People would LOVE it. I'm sure you had a ball with your daughter, too. Don't you love catching up with them and just spending some time?!
    Thanks again for the great idea!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. Carolyn - I know - TOO much FUN! You should see if you can talk your school into.
      I did enjoy my daughter over Thanksgiving - and now I'm looking forward to Friday when I'll see her again!
      Happy last week before break! Sara
