Hello to you! Are you starting to think about school? Making plans? Hitting up Target, WalMart, Staples, the dollar store - and any place else you are lucky enough to have close by?
And have you been grabbing freebies? Reading blogs for ideas? Looking at how other people have decorated their classrooms?
I've seen some wonderful things. Lots of blogs are sharing pictures of their rooms - and wow! I ran up to school yesterday and stopped to talk to two school-friends who have spent some time decorating their classrooms. And they look so nice!
I wish I could do that. And that's the key - I wish I could do that, but it's just not me.
Then I read this blog post at:

And yesterday I made a sign that looked like this:
And I'm going to put this and some copies of it on my empty bulletin boards in my room. It will make me feel better :) because the rumor I've heard is that this year, Open House is going to be before school starts. {In the past, we've done it a couple days after school has started. This will be better, I think, but I won't have anything up on the walls - ack!}
So what about you? What are you doing in your room? I bet it's wonderful, whatever it is!