Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday Mish Mash

Happy Saturday morning! It is so much more pleasant here than it was last Saturday. So we're heading out for some shopping this morning. 

But First! 

Don't ya hate it when you have to say, "Oh, Pooh!" Like this:
 Can't see what I mean? Try this:

Yup, that's my room and Thursday night I was sitting in a student's chair while a friend of mine presented an in-service, and I realized - yuck, all this stuff on my cart is blocking about 4 students' view to the SmartBoard. Ahem. I guess that's why their desks are always being scooted here and there. I'll be thinking how to fix this little problem over break.

And this - 

I saw this idea on another blogger's site, and my first thought was Oh Brother, who needs a checklist for every week?!? But guess what happened that very next Monday? You probably have. In the middle of teaching, I realized I had forgotten to do this, and forgotten to do that. Blah! So I typed up a list. Can you tell by my list all the things I have subsequently forgotten? So I'm going to pretty this up over break so I'll have me a nice little - "Don't Forget Me" list. {By the way, it really did help me stay organized on Friday!}

And finally, these are the parent gifts {part 1} we made this year:

The little circles are supposed to make a tree. {I pretty much borrowed this from First Grade Parade.}Some of them did a little better than others with that concept. 

Where are you on parent gifts? Last year, I realized/ came up with the idea that I needed to have 2 parent gifts because a heck of a lot of my kids don't have both parents in the same house. This year, I've about decided not to do gifts next year. I have one kid living in a foster home and another with grandma {but that's fluid} - and I'm thinking that maybe I've caused unintentional hurt there. So I told my husband, I think next year, I'll have them make an ornament that they can hang on the tree in whatever house they live in and then maybe paint a picture or something - and not really call it a present, but they can sure give it to whomever they wish. Quite frankly, it would be less stressful for me - and give me more time for some of the other things I'd like to do - like Christmas around the World learning. 

I have another cool thing to show you... but I'm waiting til later. Ha! Sorry, it's like a soap opera, you'll have to tune in tomorrow. 

Have a terrific Saturday! I plan to NOT think about school at all.


  1. Situations where kids share different guardians does complicate things somewhat, huh? I say do whatever you feel you need to do.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Slightly complicate things is right! I keep thinking about things and thinking things through. But you are right - I need to do what I feel right about. Thanks for that confirmation.
