Sunday, November 2, 2014

How's it going?

One of the nicest things about this year, which I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before, is having some friends to eat lunch with.

And in this case, I definitely mean some friends older than 10!  Two of my teammates are ladies, and we all eat together every day, and the male teacher usually comes in for 10 or 15 minutes at the end of lunch and chats.

Sometimes, after a day filled with other teachers telling all their wonderful things, I go home and think: pooh, I'm not sure I'm hitting the mark. But then I try to remember to say to myself, 
one, yes, I am; 
and two, these are relatively new teachers - I don't think it's all happiness and sunshine. I'm just a little more vocal about my failings. 

And then the other day, the newbie teacher after she had talked about something she had done, said: Well, I don't know what I'm doing half the time. And the other gal teacher said: Neither do I.

What's the point? I wish we didn't feel like we had to make it sound like we always have everything together. Because I sure know I don't. I wish we could be a little more honest - that sometimes we hit the mark, and well, sometimes it doesn't go so well.


  1. My list of things I want to be better at in the classroom is a long, long one. But yes, I'm sure I'm guilty of giving off the vibe that all is well all the time.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. I think it's just a natural tendency, don't you? But you are one of my teacher-heroes!

  2. I wish I was more guilty of giving off a positive vibe. I love your honesty Sara. It's refreshing but not negative. You're not a Debbie Downer. You just say what you think. And if I had a nickel for all the things that don't go according to plan in my classroom, I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore because I'd have so much money I'd quit teaching. (:

    1. Ann - this is the sweetest comment. Thank you! And boy, yes, a nickel for every time things don't work out quite the way I want - I'd take it in a heart beat!
      Thank you so much for commenting!

  3. So true. It is refreshing to hear "the real story" of our days... the good, the bad and what we're going to do next. Hope you have a great weekend!!!
