I call it "Getting to know your student" because I'm all about the fancy titles!
I ask general questions, like what your child likes to be called, email addresses, what's the best way for me to reach the adult, who the child lives with. Then I ask for words they might use to describe their child, and some of their child's favorite things. I ask the adult to brag a little and also where they hope their student will improve. And finally I ask, is there anything else you want me to know.
Whoa - that seems like it's really the meat of it. Parents tell me things that I might not know otherwise -- and sometimes they make a big difference, or really help me understand their child.
But sometimes, that form just gets shoved into the file cabinet.
Until today -- I somehow happened to see this:

Which really seems like a dur to me, because I sorta like analyzing the data.
So instead of that information just sitting in my filing cabinet, I can put it on a chart and maybe do something with it -- like help in forming different groups, have an idea what to talk to a quiet child about, etc.
I'm really excited to try this!