Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Little Robin Story

This is a funny/scary little thing that happened to me earlier this week.
The other day, I was in the backyard with my dog. I had gone around the corner of our house and she was on the side by our patio. I decided I needed something from the front yard, so I came back around the corner and started across the patio. That is when I heard furious bird chatter and our dog was being dive-bombed by some birds - but she was also chasing something - which out of the corner of my eye I could see was a bird! As my brain tried to figure this out, I realized it was a baby bird, probably just learning to fly and it had gotten from the tree down to the ground by our house. Only to be confronted by this humongous dog!
My first thought was, Oh, No! Then I was yelling, "No, Blondie, No!" Then I hollered, "Come, Blondie!" Well, for some reason, that little robin decided to come. So it started heading my way, followed by its new pal, my dog. As the dog tried to get by me, I grabbed her fur with both hands and just stood there, holding her, while this little robin ducked under a tree (still on the ground) and mom and dad robin were giving us the word! (If only we understood robinese - maybe it's better that we don't!)
I hauled my dog inside and watched from the window. The poor robin - I can't believe it didn't have a heart attack - managed to get enough to get enough air time to make it up to this bush.
Where its parents encouraged, and encouraged, and encouraged it to try again. And it must have - because it's gone. Happy Ending, don't you love them! 


  1. Hey Sara,
    I saw your question on my blog...
    yes I did Stitch Witch the ribbon, too. It's a great little trick :)

    Fun in Room 4B
