Friday, May 3, 2013

A look back at this week - 5 for Friday

Well, I was trying to count up and see if I could think of enough good things that I would have 5 to share. I think I do - so I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching. {HeeHee - just thought of the last one, so I'm good!}

1. Our school had 2 merry-go-rounds at the beginning of the year. And then they were gone. I was on recess duty that day, and it was really kinda weird. At lunch, they were there and at the afternoon recess, they were loaded on a truck. The kids' faces were so sad as around the corner on the back of the truck went our merry-go-rounds. Well, like 6 months later, we got these new things. They are these little stands that stick up various heights. And they are far enough apart that the kids have to jump from one to another. So can you guess what happens when we get new play equipment? Ummm, yes - lots of "discussions" about how to use said equipment. 

So I snapped this picture when I was going to write about how well the kids were problem solving. 

But just moments later, I realized I would have to revise my perception when I had 3 sets of kids separately come and tell me: so and so is being bossy, or mean, or cutting in line. Blah, new equipment is closed - try again on Monday {when I'm not on recess duty!}{And the kids told me the teacher who will be on duty Monday won't let them - ah, poor little babies.}

2. Just entered a Scholastic Book Order. Yeah for my parents - I have one in particular - that place orders. I had enough points to get their latest Knowledge Quest set of books - on the Earth. This is a set of 8 books and a teacher's guide about a certain topic. I've gotten the insects one and the water one, also. 

3. I finished our unit on Dinosaurs today. We read about dinosaurs - carnivores, herbivores, T-Rex, triceratops, and fossils. And today, we made fossils {well, you know, fake fossils, duh}.  First of all, I made some homemade clay last night. I made two batches. Today, it was apparent that one of them was a good batch and the other, well, it wasn't so good. One was great and the other was a sticky mess. And I never even thought to bring some flour to school to help fix things. My idea was for the kids to play and create for a while. Then flatten out their dough and make impressions with different things like paper clips, bottle lids, tongue depressors, etc. Well, some worked, some didn't. They are sitting out drying this weekend. We'll see what they look like Monday.

4. We started a unit called "The Best Part of Me." I got the idea from HERE - a Scholastic blogger named Genia Connell. Her kids made poems about their best part of themselves. My kids are mostly writing paragraphs - but it's good. They decided on the best part of themselves, then told me how they wanted me to photograph that best part. Now they are writing. And lastly, we'll put the photo and the writing together on construction paper. 
Here's a couple of no-face photo examples:

 The top guy is writing about his muscles, the next his hands and the girl is writing about her brain. 

 5. My fifth one was going to be that I get to see my hub-bub tonight after his trip out of town, but by the text alerts I've been getting, I'm thinking he might be spending the night in Dallas. Hopefully I'll find out soon. - OH YEAH - my hub-bub's connecting flight has been delayed 20 minutes - maybe that's enough for him to get on the plane. 

Happy Weekend to you - Mine will be filled with graduation plans and yard work - but the kind I like. 


  1. I hope your hubby made it home! The merry go rounds were the favorite equipment on the playground, but were removed for safety issues...Thanks to the state inspector! I never saw a kid get hurt on them. I think they should take the balls away...They cause all kinds of injury and arguments!
    Owl Things First

  2. Hi~I found you via the linky and I'm your newest follower. :)Looking forward to learning lots from you.
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

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