Sunday, March 16, 2014

I care about you

As I wrote yesterday, my Spring Break started yesterday!

And then I started thinking about some of my kiddos - 1 in particular and perhaps two or three others. 

And I remembered this post from Kimberly at First in Maine about Christmas vacation.

I think one of my girls needs every bit of loving I can manage to send her way. And unfortunately, I haven't been doing too good of a job in that area. {She's a sweetie, but sometimes annoying - like asking questions, just as I'm trying to get everyone quiet so that I can tell them what's next - which would answer her question!}

And I had this thought - {Oh, please let me follow through!} 
Our kids come to school, and if they eat breakfast, go do that, and then head to the gym until it's time for school to start. So what if, every once in a while - I invited her to come to my room after she finishes breakfast. And the two of us could just hang out - she could help me with whatever - for 10 minutes. Which might seem like a pretty big deal in her book.  

My other thought is that since winter break, I feel like I've been slacking off in the "I care about you department." But my next thought was - I have 9 more weeks, please God, don't let me waste them!!


  1. We all have those who need about as much love as we can muster, and sometimes they're the ones who ask for our love in the hardest of ways. Thank you for reminding us that we had better use our time wisely with these little ones.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. Ah, yes - ask for it in the hardest ways. I had a couple last year that I just couldn't see past the hard ways. Maybe I'm getting better :)

  2. It's very easy to do this. We are all guilty some time or another.
    Today is my last day of spring break. I hope you enjoy your week!
    Mrs.Christy’s Leaping Loopers

    1. Yes, it is!
      Hope your week back has been good!

  3. Sara, your commitment to your students is amazing! Thanks for inspiring me to "care" for a little someone in my class.

    1. Oh Alyce - you are so sweet. I think sometimes I get so down on myself, I don't see it that way - so thanks for reminding me!

  4. I would love to be able to do that, but my kids eat their breakfast in the classroom. They come in get breakfast and go to the room. Sometimes we eat lunch in the classroom, sometimes the whole class and sometimes I use it as a reward, but after reading your post, I think maybe I need to have a lunch with my little stinkers too rto encourage them and let them know I care. It's amazing what just a little bit of effort on our part can do for a child. Thanks for the inspiration.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

    1. Kelly - we had the option one year of letting the kids eat breakfast in the room. That just didn't seem like fun to me. And yeah, I think anything we can do to encourage these kiddos is good! You are so right - amazing what a little effort can do!
