Tuesday, June 24, 2014


This last weekend, College Girl and I went to the Big, Big City and watched:

It was terrific, it was great, it was fantastic, it was wonderful. 

And ever the thinking teacher, I started making some connections. 

Not to give too much of the plot away, but one of the main characters in the show is born green. {I really don't think that's giving too much away as it happens in probably the first 15 minutes of the show - so I think I'm good. No spoiler alerts needed!} 

And that causes a lot of Elphaba's problems. People who see her grimace and turn away. Or gasp and run off. And basically don't want to be around her. 

And I started thinking about some of my kiddos that are born "green" - different - and it's hard for them to fit in and have friends. It seems like there are two types - those that it bothers, and those that either don't care or don't notice. 

Last year, I had a little boy that it didn't seem to bother. He had one friend in class and found things to do at recess. 

But I had another little friend - she just couldn't figure it out - how to make friends. She wanted to - and I just couldn't find a way to help her. She is a nice enough little girl - a little bossy, but she's not the only one that's that way.

So along with the list of things I want to work on this summer, and my endorsement class, this is something I want to try to figure out - how do I help my class be more of a community? How do I help kids be friends?

I've tried to find ideas before and gotten stumped - so, I'm thinking... Maybe some of my readers have suggestions - ideas, websites, books, activities. I'd love to hear them. 


  1. Love that show!!! I've seen it once and would love to see it again. Thanks for the thinking prompt, sorry, I have no suggestions...

    1. Ahh, Alyce, I was hoping. :)
      I have a book that has some ideas, but it's a lot of tag type games, and this lady just doesn't do that much running. I need to keep looking. Or maybe there are some Pinterest boards.

  2. I've seen Wicked twice. It's a great show, huh? Ahh, community. I think I can always get better at that. No, I know I can always get better at that.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. My girly and I have gone to a musical every summer for 3 or 4 years, and we both thought this was one of the best.
      Yes, I need to work on community - I'd like to just be able to tell them "be nice and get along!" Lol
