I think I can, I think I can... actually write a blog post tonight - LOL!
Here we go....
Our school had "spirit week" for the now not happening state testing our 3rd and 4th graders were supposed to do next week. Kansas has had some glitches, so first our school, and then our district postponed the tests. However, we went ahead and had spirit week this week... culminating in a pep assembly... next week. Yup, makes sense to me, too.
However, today was 70's day. Yeah, kinda like the 2nd pic on Doodle Bugs' post. And our first grade team, a lovely bunch of ladies, dressed up like that. It was fun to see!
I got this new little guy right after the first 9 weeks. He's one of those kiddos that I'm thinking might have just gotten shuffled around under the guise of "boundaries." He's interesting... he seems to take forever to answer when I ask him a direct question, but then he's always blurting out answers when I'm not wanting him to. What a dichotomy. And today, he was reading this short little story, and I asked him to retell it. And he was doing that... very sloooooooowly. And I teased him just a little, and this little smile appeared. And I was thinking that might be the first smile I've seen all year. Which made my heart smile a little.

My two lowest readers {yes, one of them is my friend right up there under #2} wanted to read poems this week during guided reading. So I told them they had to practice and then read them to the class on Friday. They did. But they were both so fast, and reading right into their paper, and a little soft spoken {even after I made them go to the front of the room and practice 1 word to see if I could hear in the back of the room!}. But my class did me proud. They all clapped for the two boys, just like they had heard every word! Yeah team!!
I decided to see if I can't get a new desk at school. If you have read any of my posts, you've seen a couple where this is a major decision-making undertaking for me - LOL. I don't know how these things are decided but last year I did get the 20 some students desks I requested.
Along with that, I've been purging, purging, purging my files. Except I started going through my math centers today, and Did Not do a very good job of tossing.
This is a big yahoo who and praise the Lord for me! Let's see, how did this merry-go-round start? Oh yeah, our art teacher is retiring, so a 3rd grade teacher is moving there. A Kindergarten teacher is taking her place. And a 2nd grade teacher - my co-teacher is moving to Kindergarten. And a 1st grade teacher is moving up to 2nd. While I'll miss my co-worker {well, she'll still be in the building, but you know...} I'm excited to teach with this new gal who seems full of ideas and energy and really cares for her kids. I had thought about trying a different grade level myself, but I think this shaking up our team a little will be the fix I need.
What about you? What's new, exciting, uplifting, fun, or just worth sharing about in your world?