Last year, I did math centers with 3 rotations. One with me, one at computers doing math activities and another was basically playing a math game - they picked. That got a bit chaotic, so I started picking partners off the top of my head. Still wasn't really pleased with that, but made it to the end of the year.
Last summer, I bought and read Debbie Diller's "Math Work Stations." It is a terrific resource and I found many ideas in it.

One thing I did get from the book, and that I have kept going is specific math centers. With my schedule, we usually have math centers 3 days a week. I have 3 different math centers - so the kids go to each one once during the week. (If it happens that my week works out to have math centers 4 days in a week, I just have them go back to one.) Anyway, each math center has specific skills to work on. One usually has math facts, or as we've progressed, double digit addition and subtraction.
Another tub has review activities of a skill we have recently learned. For example, right now it is money.
The last tub has Drops in the Bucket - these are worksheets that review 2nd grade skills - and then a math game for the students to play when they get done.
When I'm working with my small, guided math group, I usually see a lot of messing around that I don't seem to see during literacy centers. This is something I'm going to think about over the summer to see if I can think of a solution. (Or maybe someone who reads this has an idea for me!)
Anyway, Denise at Sunny Days in Second Grade has made a lot of Bump games that my kids have enjoyed. I took her idea and made Bump Plus games. On one game, the students roll a die (10 sided die) and add it to 7. Another board, they roll the die and add it to 8 and on the last gameboard, they roll the die and add it to 9. Now that I'm thinking about this, I will have to get those back out again. :)
I'd love for you to try out my Bump Plus games - and if you do, could you leave a comment telling me how it works for you? Thanks, thanks!
Anyway, that's my contribution. For more ideas, go to Corkboard Connections.