Monday, August 11, 2014

Almost There

Today was the 3rd day of in-services for me. Tomorrow is a workday. And Wednesday morning, I  get to meet the kids that I'll spend the next 9 and 1/2 months with. I'm looking forward to that! 

Today's in-service was a bit of a downer - but that might just be my take on it. I felt like the presenter was telling us that our teaching isn't up-to-date, but he didn't talk to us at all about how to do better. Well, that was the morning. The afternoon guy was a little more optimistic. And the last part of his message was what we can do to make it a better year - Be Nice! Oh, I so hope I succeed in that this year!

I've spent this evening getting things ready, so I can put everything together tomorrow, so that Wednesday I do have everything together! My room is mostly there - just a few odds and ends to take care of. And my plans are mostly set - just need to get things together so I'm not digging around while kids are twiddling their thumbs! 

Ack, and it's 9 o'clock and I'm trying really hard not to stay up too late any more - so I've got to get myself off this computer and into "going to bed" mode. 

Good Night! And enjoy your Tuesday, whatever it is bringing!


  1. The older I get, the more I "hear" into what people say--especially PD presenters. Glad you had a good one this afternoon.
    Oh, the excitement of meeting those little ones--Hope it is as wonderful as you are!

  2. Have fun with those kiddos! I report next Monday and have students next Thursday... Yikes! So much to do!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  3. I was in my classroom for the first time today. Oh the list of things to do is long. It doesn't help when I decide to change certain things up. I'm good at making more work for myself. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
