Thursday, July 31, 2014

Parent Communication

Ah, some of you wrote some sweet comments about me mentoring. Thanks for that!

Last year, I wanted to figure out some way to communicate better with parents. You know, to give them an idea what we do when I'm with their children for like 7 hours of the day. Our copies are limited, so I'm trying to find something that I can do online. I tried Remind - but only 5 parents signed up for it. I thought about doing Instragram for my class, but didn't do anything with that idea. 

This year, I've heard about two website deals. 

One is 

I set up an account for this, but it feels like I'm having trouble getting started with it. 

I, never one to go overboard - wait, I can hear my hubby chortling in the background over that one! - also found this and set up an account:

So weebly - seems to be more like a blog. I can design a website, add pictures and slideshows, and other things - some of which I don't know that I'll figure out until I play with it. 

And classhubz - almost seems more like FB - in that you add comments. You can also limit who can view it because it has an invitation feature. I can also share photos, documents and events.

So my question - do any of my readers use either of these? Do you like it? Why? Or do you use something else to let parents know about school? I'm just wondering and being indecisive!

Tomorrow is pajama day with my girl! Last day that I don't have something before I have to start my back to school. Hubby is making a donut run for us and we've already got some of this:

Oh, my goodness - this is heaven straight from the freezer!

So whatever your Friday brings, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I use Remind101. I think about 15 parents signed up last year. I also started a classroom blog on Weebly. I don't think many parents consistently checked it, but I think I need to include the children more. I think that might increase the odds of more parents looking at it.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
